Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Romans Closet

Roman's Closet is a vintage clothing line done by Roman Sipé.  His approach on vintage clothing is to give them a more modern day edge, while maintaining that vintage appeal that has become quite the fashion trend.  Here in the pictures below, Myself and Tania my girlfriend, went and took some pictures in some of his most recent pieces that are now for sale at his site.
My boo getting used to the shoes and attire
we ended up walking down the block to a small private alley way
Here Tania and Roman are showcasing their swaggy outfits

A Brooklyn, New York resident, now living in Los Angeles, California.

Copy and Paste Clothiers (part 2)

Here are some more behind the scene shots I took that day.  I was all over the place meeting people who work in the fashion industry, run their own stores, some stylist guru's, others were just there for the fun of it!
Jacket wore by C-breezy
awesome shot from the side of the camera man
copy & paste clothiers
make-up battle field
I wanted that jacket

Copy and Paste Clothiers (part 1)

I never really get to be the guy behind the scenes of a shoot (because I'm usually the photographer) but for this shoot I just got to sit back and watch the professionals do what they are good at.  There was about a total of seven models, and then when you include the make-artist, assistants, production crew, lighting, art design, friends, guest, the designers, etc. you can imagine it was a packed house full of talented artsy 'swagged' out individuals.
the photographer here was getting married in a week, she is from europe.
These models are wearing jackets by Copy & Paste Clothiers.
Artistic Direction
Everyone watching from behind the Lens.
Al the video man behind the shoot.  He was compiling footage for a short video on the trip out to LA.
People watching and giving input and creativity.  Bizzy on the phone. make that guap!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Dead Diaries

It may be some sort of evil suppressed killer from within, but for some reason I seem to be fascinated with dead animals.  There is something about these decaying animals that sometimes speaks to me in a way that some may never understand.

for instance this guy right here was found on my walk in a park.  I found him on his side like so, with tiny little red ants tearing away at his eyes and open flesh wounds, the smell and look of decay gave it an estimated 24-36 hrs since it died. 
This bird here was your victim of everyday drivers.  He was flying to low to the ground and made contact with a speeding car.  Only to fall to the ground and succumb to the speeding tire of some beat up car.
Sleeping like a little baby. Yet he fell high from the wires; and lays eternal.
cause of death...poison; and perhaps to much sun exposure. 
another victim of road kill.